NOTE: Sugarmess first appeared in the Second Series and is repeated in this series.
Rotsa Root / Lotsa Loot Candy
Oscar Mayor Baloney / Oscar Mayer Bologna
Totarillo / Tiparillo Cigars
Moldy Bride / Modern Bride Magazine
Canquit / Banquet Chicken Pie
IOU / OUI Magazine
Balding / Spalding Football
Sealva Thins / Silva Thins Cigarettes
Duxie / Dixie Cups
Rebell Jet / Revell Model Jet
Sell'em / Salem Cigarettes
Mrs. Poles Sticks / Mrs. Paul’s Fish Sticks
Messquire / Esquire Magazine
Taffy / Tabby Cat Food
Weakinson / Wilkinson Blades
Fanatical Sickly Fiction /
Fantasy Science Fiction
Nose-X / Kleenex Tissue
Playbug / Playboy Magazine
Ain't / Aim Toothpaste
Snort / Sport Magazine
Slayer Aspirin / Bayer Asprin
Battletime / Ballantine Beer
Fearasil / Clearasil
Hippy / Hefty Trash Bags
Satan Wrap / Saran Wrap
Polarbearoid / Polaroid Film
Mushmallow Flunk / Marshmallow Fluff
Irish Ring / Irish Spring Soap
Promesso / Progresso Sauce